Here’s why Aerial Yoga is Becoming Popular

Even though aerial yoga has been here for a while, the pandemic has made a lot more people take this up. The Fitness trends today might have moved online, with virtual classes, but aerial yoga, however, pushes you to go back to in-person classes.

The feeling of flying and doing gravity-defying yoga poses gives us a host of health benefits, aerial yoga is here to stay.

Here’s your guide to exploring aerial yoga.

Aerial Yoga for Beginners

Are you bored of doing yoga asanas on the mat? Aerial yoga is all about doing these asanas on a hammock that is suspended from the ceiling. The hammock not only helps provide support to your full body weight but also improves your flow of movement while doing an asana. There are also safe flips and headstands you can do safely too. It feels amazing.

doing these asanas on a hammock that is suspended from the ceiling. The hammock not only helps provide support to your full body weight but also improves your flow of movement while doing an asana.

Best Time to Practise Aerial Yoga

Those who have issues with coordination can do aerial yoga in the morning. A lot of balancing works well if you do it in the morning while doing it in the evening helps with stretches. Both have different benefits.” I prefer and have clients say “Late mornings and late evenings are the best.

If you do it the moment you wake up, you tend to feel nauseous. That is why I don’t recommend doing it on an empty stomach. But of course, when you do it after your meal, there should be a gap of a few hours.”

What to Wear

For a regular yoga class, wearing loose clothes is often recommended. But here, one should opt for well-fitted clothes. Wear comfortable, but stretchable clothes. Those who have sensitive skin, wear full-sleeve clothes as there is a chance of getting aerial bruses. I also recommend people wear socks to get more grip on the floor.

What to Wear

You can get injured whilst doing any form of fitness. And with aerial yoga, too, injuries can happen. For beginners, don’t keep the hammock too high; keep it slightly lower. Place a yoga mat or a cushion below. This way, even when you want to place your knees/feet, the impact will be less. When you start, take it slow. Aerial yoga is not just about following instructions; you need to focus on the flow and learn how to float and fly.

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